Category Archives Enterprise

Many network administrators still manage networks within their local data centers, but they’re increasingly troubleshooting in the cloud as businesses deploy more cloud workloads. According to RightScale’s latest “State of the Cloud” survey, 85 percent of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy. Businesses run an average of 41 percent of workloads in public clouds and 38 […]

“Be sure to” – it may sound like something your mom would say, but everyone knows that mom is always right. Sure…her friendly “be sure to” reminders could seem annoying or pointless, but at the end of the day she was right, and you’re happy you listened. Well, VIAVI isn’t your mom, but you’ll most […]

With more organizations exploring or implementing Cisco ACI, some users question the need for packet capture. However, there are several use cases where it is critical to leverage packet data and packet-based analytics, especially for larger enterprise and data centers. Application centric infrastructure, or ACI is used to more efficiently and effectively roll out and […]

The value of the Inspect Before Your Connect process even applies to Test Reference Cords (TRCs). Tyler and Brian explain the importance of protecting these valuable cables and provide real-world examples of the problems that result when neglecting to properly inspect TRCs. Learn more in Episode 5: The Importance of Inspecting Test Reference Cords by visiting

As a leader in fiber testing and certification, VIAVI is paving the way along with our partner, MicroCare, by sharing best practices and insights that help technicians and network owners maintain flawless networks. We’re introducing a new video series to offer tips, tricks, and methods to incorporate into your inspection repertoire. In this video series, […]

Cyber investigators reveal how harvesting the right data can help solve network security issues and provide legal peace of mind. While much of the world is harvesting crops in preparation for the coming winter, network teams are, as usual, harvesting network data. As anyone who captures packets knows, sometimes these payloads contain surprises. As you […]

Packet Pioneer Chris Greer reveals his own Wireshark nightmare while dealing with trace files in the popular analyzer. “I’m a big user of Wireshark,” says Chris Greer, network and application analyst and founder of Packet Pioneer. “I own and operate an independent consulting company. What I do is I sit on the beach in Costa […]
