Tag Archives OpenRAN

One of the more intriguing and beneficial use cases for hyperscale and 5G is the data center itself. More specifically, the IoT and artificial intelligence (AI), backed by the power of hyperscale computing, have become important tools for enabling lights out (unmanned) data center operation. Hyperscale computing demands are ratcheting the pressure on operators to […]

The healthcare industry presents ready-made applications for ultra-reliable, low latency communication (URLLC), artificial intelligence (AI), big data storage, augmented reality, and the internet of things (IoT). Unlike factories and ports, healthcare services are also closely linked to one-to-one human interaction. Creating a connected healthcare ecosystem where technology and personalized care seamlessly coexist is the goal […]

Next generation factory automation and “Industry 4.0” are terms used to describe the impact of 5G, the IoT, and artificial intelligence on operations like manufacturing and material handling. Declaring a 4th industrial revolution places this transition on par with the original steam powered machinery used to alleviate centuries of human toil, or the first electric […]
