Category Archives Lab & Production

The ONT family has established itself as the reference for module development and validation. This pedigree continues with our ONT-800 family covering both QSFP-DD and CFP2 pluggable digital coherent optics (DCO). Developing and validation of DCO has many new challenges and having a stable test and development environment is key to reliable product validation and […]

Pluggable coherent optics offer advantages in many areas. One of the biggest factors is electronic dispersion compensation. For DCI, traditional ‘direct detect’ systems needed a detailed pre-planned link with dispersion compensation ‘engineered in’. This is both expensive and challenging to deploy. Scaling and maintaining are complicated. Electronic dispersion compensation inside the DSP of coherent modules […]

One of the questions we get asked now and then is on the connector life in our ONT products. Pluggable optical modules can be plugged in and out of our test sets, both as part of their test and validation but also in normal applications engineers will plug in and out different optical interfaces in […]
